We will drill in person Monday, 29 March at 1900. Uniform is Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type I or Type III.
This week's drill will be in person. We will switch it up a bit and start immediately with some Flagship event practice while we still have light. We will plan on formal quarters at 2000 or later. Same procedures a last week. We will have to take everyones temperature before you get out of your vehicle. Also, as we did in the fall, we have to fill out attestation and intake forms. See below to download the forms so you can fill out ahead of your arrival. Regardless we will have forms available on your arrival If you are driving yourself you must have your parent/guardian sign before you leave home. If you are 18 you can sign your own forms. We will continue to review records and ask parents to come in at the beginning or end of drill to sign required forms. If you took home forms last week please have them signed before you come to drill. For parents, please visit our annual inspection page for information and to download forms to fill out ahead of time if able. Parents also check the new Parents Page on Homeport. It's in the "Training" menu. Again the uniform is NWU. Bring your parka or fleece liner as it may be chilly and windy and we will primarily be outdoors. If your uniform no longer fits, bring it in to exchange, this includes Dress Whites as we will need them in May. We will try to accommodate as many uniform updates as possible but will take care of the new recruits first. For the new cadets without uniforms, wear casual clothing appropriate to the forecast temperature. All cadets will wear masks. The following tasks will be accomplished:
We will drill in person Monday, 22 March at 1900. Uniform is Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type I. Please remember that this week's drill will be in person. We will open with quarters at 1900 so please arrive early. We will have to take everyones temperature before you get out of your vehicle. Also, as we did in the fall, we have to fill out attestation and intake forms. See below to download the forms so you can fill out ahead of your arrival. Regardless we will have forms available on your arrival If you are driving yourself you must have your parent/guardian sign before you leave home. If you are 18 you can sign your own forms. As we will have to update forms in your records that require signatures so I ask the parents to stay in their vehicle and come inside, when called, to sign forms before they leave. We may manage the the flow of the paperwork and give the option of some parents to return during the second half of the drill. Regardless all cadets will go home with uncompleted paperwork to return next week. For parents, please visit our annual inspection page for information and to download forms to fill out ahead of time if able. Parents also check the new Parents Page on Homeport. It's in the "Training" menu. Again the uniform is NWU Type I. Bring your parka and fleece liner. We will stay outside most of the drill so the parka or fleece liner will come in handy if the weather gets chilly. If your uniform no longer fits, bring it in to exchange. You may wear casual clothing instead. We will try to accommodate as many uniform updates as possible. For the new cadets without uniforms, wear casual clothing appropriate to the forecast temperature. All cadets will wear masks. The following tasks will be accomplished:
New Homeport "Parents" Page Provides Guidance and Answers: National Headquarters now offers a new "Parents" page, to make it easy for parents and guardians to quickly access relevant program information, including a Parent Handbook, training guidance, and free educational resources. The page, available at Homeport.Seacadets.org >Training > Parents, will be updated with relevant resources for parents regularly. The video of last weekend's parent webinar on spring and summer training guidance, including a related slide deck and FAQ, is available now.
Free Educational Resources: Did you know that your cadet has FREE access to Study.com? As your child navigates school virtually at home, they can take advantage of the many tutorials available to them atStudy.com, to help them understand concepts they may be struggling with. This service is available at no cost to you, as a benefit of their U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps membership. In addition, cadets also have complimentary access to Curiosity Stream. This curated collection of award-winning documentaries covers a broad range of topics, from World War II to dinosaurs to space exploration. Go to the "parents" page for a direct link and to take advantage of these helpful resources. Program Calendar Update: The national program calendar is now listed in Homeport under Homeport>Training>Calendar. We will drill virtually via Zoom Monday, 15 March at 1900. Uniform is Navy Working Uniform (NWU). We will review take care of administrative tasks, discuss Flagship and get a health check on all the cadets. Here are some the ongoing reminders.
15 Mar 1943 - CNO Admiral Ernest J. King announced a redesignation of U.S. naval operating forces that instituted a system of the Navy's first numbered fleets.
The Senior Leadership Cadet Council (SLCC) would like to invite all cadets nationwide to an upcoming webinar, addressing how to stay engaged with the USNSCC in this prolonged time of limited in-person activities, as well as how to prepare for the upcoming summer training season.
Please join us on Sunday, 21 March 2021, at 1700 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Topic: Ask the SLCC Chief Time: Mar 21, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) We will drill virtually via Zoom Monday, 08 March at 1900. Uniform is Navy Working Uniform (NWU). We will review take care of administrative tasks, discuss Flagship and get a health check on all the cadets. Here are some the ongoing reminders.
7 Mar 1994 - The Navy issues the first orders for women to be assigned on board a combatant ship, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69).
United States Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission (AIM)ATTENTION all Sea Cadets!!! Thinking about a military academy after high school graduation? Why not the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut? The U.S. Coast Guard Academy (CGA), like the US Naval Academy, US Air Force Academy and US Military Academy at West Point, offers similar degree programs, and you will receive the same commission (ENS/2nd LT) as the other service academies.
The CGA was established in 1876, moved to New London, Conn. in 1910, and relocated to its present position along the bank of the Thames River in 1932. CGA graduates are commissioned as O1s (Ensigns) with the same 5-year commitment as all service academy graduates. For additional information on the CGA, please go to this link. The Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) program is a weeklong course held at the CGA campus that introduces interested high school students on how life as a Cadet will be while living at the CGA. Historically, the AIM program invites 600 high school students (200 per week) annually, all selected from thousands of applications received each year. For the first time, the CGA leadership have reserved 10 AIM slots for USNSCC Cadets and have also allowed the USNSCC to select the 10 Sea Cadets. This is an exceedingly rare opportunity that guarantees 10 Sea Cadets will go to AIM this summer! Application Process: The CGA’s application deadline is April 15, 2021. To participate in the selection for a Sea Cadet reserved slot at AIM, each Cadet must first complete the Coast Guard’s AIM application. To find the application and additional information on the course please use the link. The USNSCC AIM application has many of the same entries as the Coast Guard’s application. We recommend saving your CG application’s information to a separate document to make your Naval Sea Cadet application much easier to complete. The same essays required for the Coast Guard’s application are requested with your Naval Sea Cadet AIM application. The due date for the Sea Cadet AIM selection is noon on April 5, 2021. This link below will bring you to the Sea Cadet AIM application. We highly recommend you start drafting your essays as soon as possible so your ability to review and improve your essay will help you in an incredibly competitive selection process. We will drill virtually via Zoom Monday, 01 March at 1900. Uniform is Navy Working Uniform (NWU).
We will review take care of administrative tasks, discuss Flagship and get a health check on all the cadets. Here are some the ongoing reminders.
1 Mar 1991 - Following USS Missouri’s (BB 63) bombardment of Faylaka Island during Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of Iraqi soldiers wave white flags and surrender to the battleship’s Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) flying overhead. How would you like to be trained in mountain rescue operations and earn a Master At Arms (MAA) Shield??
Registration for online NLCC Mountain Rescue Operations course has been extended to March 4 (just days away). This online course will:
Details of meeting dates/times, expectations, topics, etc. can be found in the syllabus located on the training command's website. https://sites.google.com/seacadets.org/online-training-command/ |
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