2025 All-Regional Flagship Competition
This page will be updated as information is available
This year's Flagship competition is the normal 3 day event. Travel will be Friday, 26 April with a muster time of 1400 (2:00 pm). Competition will be all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Lunch and awards ceremony will start at 1200 with an expected departure at 1500 and 1900 arrival back at Dealey Division. As usual the competition will be at Camp Edwards at Joint Base Cape Cod, MA. Transportation will be provided and travel time is approximately 3.5 hours depending on traffic. We will travel by chartered school bus. We will stop for dinner on Friday as nothing will be available when we arrive at Camp Edwards. As Friday is a school day you will have to request to leave early in order to make it to Stamford for an early afternoon muster. Letters will be provided for your schools.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page to indicate whether you are able to attend and indicate your top 3 choices for competition. Everyone will participate in the Personnel Inspection (uniform inspection) and Military Drill.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page to indicate whether you are able to attend and indicate your top 3 choices for competition. Everyone will participate in the Personnel Inspection (uniform inspection) and Military Drill.
Parents must sign the cadet up for the event via the Parent Portal (same as signing up for any other training). To sign up for Flagship, sort the trainings "by State" and then go to "Massachusetts". There you will find two events for Flagship, one for League Cadets (LR-MA-2401L) and the other for Sea Cadets ( RU-MA-2401L).
Other Information:
KNOT TYING Judges: Minimum, &ormore REQUIREMENIS: . Line; 2. Stopwatch. RULES:
1. The best times for each knot added together will constitute each team's score; 2. An improperly tied knot incurs a 60-second penalty; 3. The unit with the quickest time wins the team competition; 4. The League Cadet and Sea Cadet with the fastesttimeforallfive(5)knots wins the individual competition. NOTES: .1 The purpose of a bowline is to put a temporary eye in the end of a line; therefore, Bowlines tied using both ends of the competition line will not be accepted. 2. The purpose of the Square Knot is for bending together two lines of the same size, therefore tying a knot on one length of line will not be accepted. Two lengths of line must be utilized. SIGNAL FLAG RECOGNITION
COMPELITION: SIGNAL FLAG RECOGNITION JUDGES: Minimum L, or more REQUIREMENIS: .1 One Complete Flag bag; 2. One (1) Stopwatch. RULES: .1 Each team consists of two (2) cadets. Each cadet must be able to send and receive; 2. Each cadet will identify by PHONETIC ALPHABEI: a. Five (5) letter flags; b. T w o (2) numeral pennants. 3. The message signaled shall be provided by the judges and shall consist of five (5)letters, in groups offive (5), non-contorming words, not repeating any letter ofthe alphabet in any group; 4. Themessage must be sent in less than five (S) minutes; 5. After the message has been sent and received, the competitors switch roles. Note: Letters must be applied VERTICALLY to the pole provided. SCORING: 1. Highest possible score is 70 points; 2. One point shall be deducted for eachmissing or incorrect letter; .3 The team with the highest score wins the competition MORSE CODE
COMPETITION: MORSE CODE JUDGES: Minimum, ormore REQUIREMENTS: .I Code device--Flashing light or Sound; 2. One (1) Stopwatch, RULES: 1. Each Teamconsists of two (2) cadets. Each cadet must be able to send and receive, 2. Themessage signaled will beprovided bythe judges and shall consist of five (5) letters,i ngroups of five, non-conforming words, not repeating any letter of the alphabet in any group; 3. Cadet sending may indicate to the receiving cadet the number ofthe row or group being sent; 4. The message must be sent ni les than five (5) minutes; S. After the message has been sent and received, the competitors switch roles; SCORING: 1. Highest possible score is fifty points; 2. One ( ) pointshallb ededucted foreach missingor incorrect letter; .3 The teamwith the highest score wins the competition. Note: cadetsmay choose either flashing light or sound for the competition. Receiving cadet will record the letters horizontally on the sheet provided. SEMAPHORE SIGNALLING
COMPEIITION: SEMAPHORE SIGNALLING JUDGES: Minimum 1, or more REQUIREMENTS: 1. One set of standard Signal Flags; .2 One (1) Stopwatch. RULES: 1. Each team consists of two (2) cadets. Each cadet must be able to send and receive; 2. The two competitors standapproximately 50 feet apart, 3. The message signaled shall be provided by the judges and shall consist of five (5)letters, in groups of five (S)non-conforming words, not repeating any letter ofthe alphabet in any group; 4. Cadet sending may indicate to the receiving cadet the number oftherow or group being sent; 5. The message must be sent ni less than five (5) minutes; 6. After the message has been sent and received, the competitors switch roles. SCORING: 1. The highest possible score is fifty (30) points; 2. One point shall bededucted for each missing orincorrect letter; 3. The team with the highest score wins the competition. Note: Receiving cadet will record the letters horizontally on the sheet provided. HEAVING LINE
COMPEIIIION: HEAVING LINE JUDGES: Minimum 2, or more 1. One foul line; 2. One distance; REQUIREMENTS: 1. One (1)Heaving Line; approximately 85 feet long, with an approximately 1Ib. Monkey's Fist; 2. Two pylons; 3. One tape measure, minimum 85 feet; .4 Competition Area, 20 feet by 100 feet; RULES: 1. Each team consists of three (3)cadets; 2. Each cadet has two (2) throws to quality; SCORING: 1. The distance is marked where the monkey's fist strikes the ground, not the distance rolled after impact; 2. Using either of two proper means ofthrowing, the line must pass through, but not touch the pylons; 3. Thecadetmaynotcrossthefoulline; 4. The top 3individual throws on each team constitutes that team's score, .3 The team with the highest score (furthest throws) wins the team competition; 6. The individual cadet with the furthest throw, wins the individual trophy. FIREFIGHTING
JUDGES: Minimum 2, or more 1. Satety; 2. 11mekeeper REQUIREMENTS: .I Iwo (2)Fitty-footlengths of1 1/2 inch hose; 2. One (1) Navy All Purpose Nozzle (APN); 3. One (1) Hydrant Wrench; 4. One (1) Stop Watch; .3 Competition area approximately 30 feet ×150feet. RULES: 1. Each team consists offour (4) cadets; 2. On the signal from thelimekeeper, the hosewill be unrolled (not uncoiled) from the starting line andthen coupled. The female endwill be attached to the hydrant while the APN is attached to the male end ofthehose; 3. One (1) cadet will man the hydrant as the remaining three (3) man the hose nozzle; 4. When the nozzle is manned by three (3) cadets, all on the sameside ofthe hose,the hose will be charged.TheArN will be opened to the solid stream 5. The4PNwilebcolsedandihewaetrsecuredtahtehydrant; o. The l e a m will have two attempts and the best recorded time will constitute the Team's score; 7. The next team to compete will roll the hose in any recognized/accepted manner. SCORING: 1. Time starts upon signal from the Judge (imekeeper); 2. Time stops when the water stream contacts the target (knocks it down if the target used can be knocked down); 3. Afifteen (15) second penalty will be levied for each observedsafety violation which consists of: a. kinks; b. leaks at any connection; c. uncontrolled hose. Note: Work-gloves are permitted for this event. Cadets may bring theirown or use the gloves provided. FIRST AID SKILLS
COMPETITION: FIRST AIDSKILLS JUDGES: Minimum 2, or more 1. First aid/patient handling; 2. Iimekeeper. REQUIREMENIS: 1. One (1) Stokes Stretcher 2. Splint and bandage material; 3. Fifty (50) foot area; 4. One (1) Stopwatch. RULES: 1. Each team consists of four (4) cadets (medics) and one cadetvictim; 2. The patient must beof comparable weight and size tothemedics; 3. Tennisshoesorutilityshoes/bootsmaybeworn; 4. a. On the signal from the time judge, the medics will carry the stretcher, headfirst,along with the splintsand bandages, titty feet tothe patient; b. Simulated bleeding on the right forearm wil bestopped by wrapping a pressure bandage on the arm; c. Simulated fracture to the lett lower leg will be immobilized using material and two (2) boards as a splint; d. The patient will then be safely lifted into the stretcher; e. Theteam will sately, properly lift thestretcher, using two hands, back straight,knees performingthe lifting(bend the knees before lifting the stretcher orpatient) ; S. Time stops whenthe stretcher is liftedclear of the deck; 6. Each team will have two (2) opportunities to compete; SCORING: 1. Each team's fastest time will be recorded; .2 The team with the fastest timewins the competition; 3. A five (5) second penalty shall apply for the following: a. Bandage and/or splint improperly applied or not secured; b. Patient assisting medics; c. Dropping any part of the stretcher; d. Improper lifting technique. MARKSMANSHIP
JUDGES: IWO (2) 1. Scoring; 2. Timekeeper. REQUIREMENIS: 1. One 22 cal. Rifle; 2. One target, 3. One (1) Stopwatch; 4. Spotting binoculars; 5. Range. RULES: .1 Each team consistso f two (2)cadets; 2. Each cadet will fire S rounds for practice and 10 rounds for competition; 3. Firing will commence and cease on signal from the Range Master; 4. A maximum of 12 minutes will be allotted for the 10 competition rounds; 5. Each competitor will designate and sign their respective practice and competition target, SCORING: 1. The two cadets' scores will total the team score; 2. In the event of any tie, those teams will compete again firing an additional 10 rounds only; 3. Both NSCC judges will review, score and sign each target; MOLES: 1. No NSCC personnel will bring any weapons or ammunition to the Mass. Military Reservation (Joint Base Cape Cod); 2. Weapons and Range Masters will be provided; 3. All competing cadets will compete with the same make/model rifle; 4. NSCC judges wil score the completed targets and time the event; |
2023 Picutres